
Picture yourself sinking onto a comfortable treatment chair. The next hour is ‘you time’. No mobile phone, no work, no kids. I will gently massage and stimulate the soles of your feet, helping you let go of stress. You will feel the tension start to melt away and start to feel a sense of well-being. This is reflexology. Sounds pretty great, right? And that’s not all. With just one treatment, this totally safe and natural therapy relaxes the nervous system, boosts circulation, improves energy levels, releases toxins, stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms and
works on every organ and system in the body.




Think of your feet as a map to the rest of your body - each one perfectly represents a vertical half of the body.


Minutes of BLiss & Relaxation

That’s how my clients describe their reflexology sessions. But don’t take my word for it: see what they say here.


nerve endings in each foot

They work hard all day every day - give them a treat every once in a while to keep them healthy.


How it works

Reflexology is based on the principle that the body is mapped onto the feet, so by working on specific pressure points on the feet, we can impact the corresponding organs and structures of the body. This is believed to bring the body back to a state of balance and promote the body’s innate healing power.


Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is a beautiful practise with its origins in the Ayurvedic tradition of India. It is a safe, accessible & convenient therapeutic treatment that can be performed in the workplace. This effective relaxing therapy is performed with the client in a seated position & fully clothed. No oils or creams are used for this treatment.


what they say about me

Ruth is amazing! She's really intuitive and always seems to know exactly what my body needs. I highly recommend her for any issue you’re dealing with, or just to treat yourself to a very relaxing experience.

Ailbhe, October 2019 / more testimonials